
International call not to buy products and services from Disney and Netflix


Don’t buy products and services from Disney and Netflix until they stop boycotting Live and respect democracy. We’re hundreds of thousands—millions. Let’s be active, and we’ll change the situation. Let’s begin now with Disney and Netflix, and with two causes as excellent as life defence and democracy.

Netflix, followed by Disney, have announced that they’ll stop filming in Georgia because of the new law that limits abortion. Georgia is one of the most important states for filming. This action is clearly undemocratic because its aim is to overturn a decision of the state legislature. It amounts to economic blackmail in an attempt to oppose the legislative process. We must demonstrate to these two multinationals our opposition in an effective way. We must make the cost to them unacceptable, since it involves a dangerous and undemocratic precedent—namely, big multinationals using their economic power to impose their ideology.

Moreover, it’s an abuse of the companies’ employees, because a company isn’t an organization built in a relationship with determined beliefs, and their members don’t appoint particularly to any of them. Using them with an ideological aim absolutely denatures company character.

What do we propose?

For these reasons we invite all the people and organizations to establish a permanent boycott of Netflix and Disney, their services and products, in an intense and sustained action lasting until they change their position.

This boycott should be added to other initiatives, including unsubscribing from their cable television or boycotting other products or services, such as films and theme parks.

Publicizing actions of these kinds, with continual relevant updates about Netflix and Disney are part of this campaign, which will be unstoppable if individuals and organizations develop and spread such initiatives. #NoNetflixDisney

What can you do? Let’s begin right now!

  1. Individually. Resend this message to all of your e-mail contacts, spread it in social media at different hours, and send messages and letters to newspapers and other publications. If you have a blog, publish this call there.
  2. Personalize your messages. There’s a lot that you can do by spending some time every day. Spread it in your website and social media.
  3. Publish the latest news as you receive it, or in your own words. The most important thing is giving it maximum diffusion. Use your own creativity. Spread it in your website and social media.

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